Get 100% accurate Amazon sales data using the the most powerful profit dashboard in the industry
Gauge product demand ahead of time and get alerts to maintain your sales momentum. Identify trends, spikes, seasonality and opportunities by deploying our powerful AI-based insights to craft your sales strategy seamlessly.
Get the full picture and enable accurate forecasting with historical data. Use it to identify and leverage seasonal trends on Amazon. Generate insights from sales trends, data, and metrics to set the right targets and forecast future sales performance.
Get a top-level overview of the products that are performing the best, bringing the highest revenue. View and analyse profit and loss scenarios, dive into PPC campaigns and evaluate your Amazon business finance for stronger product investment plans.
Monitor, manage and scale with ease. Enables you to get profit and inventory insights in seconds.
Eliminate the white elephant
Analyze the products that are costing you money versus the ones bringing you profits without having to manually dig through reports. All the sales and profit data are automatically calculated and put down in one place.
Set up the Listing Hijacker Alert, SellerApp to constantly monitor your Amazon listings and get notified instantly when any of your Amazon listings have been hijacked.
Use a variety of charts, KPI widgets, tabular columns, and pivot tables. Drill down into your data for the insights you need.
Streamlined integration with your Amazon Seller Central account, you save yourself from the hassle of manually calculating profits or creating reports.
Want to do the math yourself? All our data and insights can be downloaded with the click of a button.
We keep your data safe because your privacy is our #1 priority. We believe in transparent reporting and ensure that you have access to everything we do. That is why SellerApp makes your data available for the long-term - outside of the 60-day availability on Amazon.
Make data-driven business decisions in no time. Visualize where you need to liquidate, improve listings or accelerate advertising to sell more.
Generate insights from sales trends, data, and metrics to set the right targets and forecast future sales performance.
Looking for answers? Check out our FAQs below!
It takes less than a minute to link your Amazon Seller Central Account with the SellerApp account. After SellerApp syncs all your data on the Profit Dashboard, all you’ve to do is add the cost of the Goods and Shipping Time to get accurate profit statistics.
It only depends on the size of your Amazon account. Under typical conditions, it’d take around 12-24 hours to import all your Amazon accounts to the SellerApp Amazon Profit Dashboard.
Our current Amazon Profit Dashboard is supported exclusively in 14 global marketplaces - US, UK, Canada, UAE, India, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia. We will be expanding to more marketplaces soon.
Don’t take our word for it. Try SellerApp today.
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