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Stay Ahead of the Competition With These 8 Amazon Repricers

Win the Buy Box With These Amazon Repricers
June 18, 2024 19 mins to read

Did You Know that 60% of Amazon sellers with high-profit margins (a revenue of about $3-$10 million) always use a good Amazon Repricer tool? 

To effectively succeed in a competitive market like Amazon, you must master 4 key processes: getting good reviews, effectively managing your SKUs, skillfully using Amazon FBA, and successfully repricing your products. 

In this article, we’ll cover repricing and how the right Amazon Repricer can make a huge difference. 

Although Amazon repricing software tools drastically help you improve your profit margin, choosing the best repricer for Amazon can be challenging. Keep reading to find out how to choose the best Amazon repricer for your business.

What is Repricing?

Before we dive into Amazon Repricing Tools, let’s quickly understand the repricing process. Repricing is essentially the practice of adjusting the product prices listed on the ecommerce platform. This is primarily done to stay competitive and maximize profits. 

After all, 9.7 million sellers are constantly competing with each other. Additionally, Amazon sellers reprice based on market conditions, their competitors, and other seller metrics. Most importantly, winning the buy box is closely tied to pricing wars. Therefore, any advantage that can help you price effectively will result in a boost in sales.

On a separate note, you must not drastically adjust prices. Dropping it too low just to win the buy box can also impact your profit margins and overall business. While uncommon, raising the price will also result in zero sales which will impact your sales momentum. It is best practice to stick to the market price and you should aim for an acceptable range of a little over or under.

Now, manually and accurately repricing can be challenging. This is why there are companies that have built automated solutions — Amazon Repricers.

What is an Amazon repricing tool?

Although it may seem like repricers are used to limit manual intervention, that’s just one of the reasons. The most important use case of an Amazon Repricer is that it automatically changes prices multiple times a day. It specifically tracks the market price fluctuations in real-time and adjusts the prices multiple times a day. 

With an Amazon FBA repricer, you can not only effectively change the price of each SKU but you can also use this tool to change the price of a single SKU multiple times a day. But how do they work? Keep reading to find out.

Additional read: Spend the right amount at the right time with Amazon Budget Rules

How do Amazon Repricer tools work?

The vast majority of all Amazon Repricing Tools function in a similar manner. Typically, you create an account on the Amazon repricing software, select a pricing plan, and then link your account to your Seller Central account. Once it’s synchronized, the Amazon FBA repricer will have access to your product listings and will be able to change prices.

Of course, you still have to set minimum and maximum price limits, a base profit margin for each listing or SKU, and product costs. Depending on the Amazon FBA repricing tool, you can also add market conditions, current buy box ownership, and specific repricing rules.

You will also be able to set rules based on your specific pricing strategies and your competitors. When everything is set up, the repricer will automatically start updating your listing prices based on various factors. 

Best Amazon Repricer Tool Featured in This Roundup:

Although Amazon Repricers are extremely useful, choosing the right one from all the repricing software out there can be complicated. After all, not all the repricers offer the same level of capabilities. 

After having used the vast majority of Amazon Repricers in the market, we’ve listed the absolute best of the best Amazon Repricers with amazing features that deliver a bang for your buck:



Flashpricer is hands down one of the best Amazon Repricers in the market. In fact, there might not be another software on this list that helps Amazon and Walmart sellers outpace competitors and win the Buy Box faster than Flashpricer. 

Additional information: A Comprehensive Guide on Walmart Repricer

You should definitely check it out if lightning speed is important to you. Falshpricer changes your product prices before your competition can even react.

This Automated repricer comes with pre-built algorithms that help you effectively capture the buy box and even apply upward pressure to the competition. Amazingly, it will ignore competition with sub-par selling metrics or slow delivery times, ensuring the price data isn’t affected by false or irrelevant data. ​

While you can totally depend on the AI algorithm to change prices for you, you also have the option of setting custom rules. This gives you the capability to build effective pricing strategies. For example, you can create a solid game plan for situations like when the Buy Box is suppressed or when listings go out of stock. 

You can even exclude specific sellers by name!

We’ve talked before about how the marketplace APIs can often return outdated or missing data. But Flashpricer claims to incorporate real-time data from multiple sources for superior accuracy and reliability. Test it for yourself and find out.

Free Trial Period: 14 days


  • Flexible strategies for every business scenario
  • Highly advanced Walmart and Amazon seller repricing tool
  • Instant repricing is available on all pricing plans
  • Verifies marketplace API data with real-time Buy Box info
  • The intro plan is great value at just $89 for 10K listings
  • Every trial comes with a full-service onboarding session to help set up your listings and strategies.


$89/month | 10,000 Amazon Listings | Upgrade for Walmart

$199/month | 50,000 Amazon Listings | 2,500 Walmart Listings

$359/month | 250,000 Amazon Listings | 5,000 Walmart Listings

$559/month | 500,000 Amazon Listings | 15,000 Walmart Listings



Bqool is one of the best Amazon repricing software tools in the market. Bqool’s algorithm uses billions of data points from the Amazon marketplace such as buy boxes, prices, shipping attributes, seller ratings, seller offers, and many more. 

With this information, the AI will start personalizing the pricing model to suit your brand. Although it may not be as fast as Flashpricer, taking almost 5 minutes even with the most expensive plan, Bqool is significantly more accurate. 

Not only can it help users build exclusive repricing tactics but this tool also ensures that you keep the buy box once you win it. 

It is also important to note that Bqool’s repricer also comes with other rule-based repricing strategies and repricing features based on specific conditions like low stocks/inventory levels or repricing rules to boost sales velocity. 

Trial Period: 14 days 


  • You can win the Buy Box quite frequently by competing against the price directly.
  • With its comprehensive reports and an enhanced dashboard, you will be able to make wise decisions by exploring the sales and repricing data dynamically.
  • You can visualize the key performances.
  • You can monitor even the slightest price change for the past 5 days.
  • You can even upload Excel files with preconfigured settings.
  • You can migrate all your product rates from the inventory lab reports.
  • You can easily sort all your listings using filters and organize them the way you want.


Monthly Billing:

$25 per month for 1000 listings at a 15-minute repricing speed

$50 per month for 5000 listings at a 15-minute repricing speed

$100 per month for 10000 listings at an instant repricing speed

$200 per month for 30000 listings at an instant repricing speed

$300 per month for 50000 listings at an instant repricing speed

Annual Billing:

$22.5 per month for 1000 listings at a 15-minute repricing speed

$45 per month for 5000 listings at a 15-minute repricing speed

$90 per month for 10000 listings at an instant repricing speed

$180 per month for 30000 listings at an instant repricing speed

$270 per month for 50000 listings at an instant repricing speed

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Profasee is a dynamic pricing platform that enables Amazon brands to predict the perfect price for every product at precisely the right moment. 

Amazon shoppers leave behind billions of clues about their behaviors, preferences, and searches. What’s brilliant is that Profasee’s AI uses machine learning, statistical science, and behavioral economics to pinpoint the optimal price, helping you dramatically lower Acos. 

Moreover, it’s extremely easy to use and has a simple onboarding process that links their Amazon storefronts with Profasee’s system. 

You just have to input the cost of their product and enter how much they typically sell the product for, the maximum price, and the minimum price. Profasee handles the rest, dynamically pricing the product in real-time depending on a wide variety of factors including but not limited to Amazon rankings, the time of day, and the day of the week.

It’s also worth noting that this platform is not for beginners, the pricing and the capabilities are meant for sellers who make a minimum of $1.5 million in annual revenue.


  • The easy-to-use platform and the easy onboarding process help you hit the floor running when it comes to effective repricing. 
  • The dynamic pricing platform not only helps you win the buy box but it prevents you from losing any dollars. 
  • Profasee’s comprehensive reporting and analytics is one of the best in the market. 


Spark – Up to 5 ASINs and up to $1,500,000: $599 per month

Ignite – Up to 10 ASINs and up to $1,500,000: $649 per month

Intensify – Up to 30 ASINs and up to $1,500,000: $799 per month

Blaze – More than 30 ASINs and up to $1,500,000: $999 per month

Seller Snap

Seller snap

Seller Snap is another premium solution for Amazon sellers. By combining fully automated Repricing with Business Intelligence, this repricing tool ensures that you don’t push your luck when it comes to pricing. 

What’s truly unique is that this tool was developed using Game Theory. So, Seller Snap’s Repricer automatically maximizes profits while retaining a fair share of the Buy Box, and avoiding price wars. This is why it’s one of the best of the best Amazon Repricing tools in the market. 

Additionally, it uses advanced analytics and business intelligence to allow you to make data-driven decisions and focus on issues that need your immediate attention.

Trial: 15 days


  • AI-powered repricing inspired by Game Theory tactics.
  • Easy setup – The system pulls all necessary data from Amazon.
  • Customizable repricing settings allow you to adjust repricing behavior by time of day, inventory, sales velocity, and more.
  • You can set your min & max prices based on the desired ROI and have the system automatically adjust them whenever there is a change in cost or Amazon fees.
  • You can view relevant metrics, e.g. buy box share, average selling price, revenue change, etc. at the listing level, or for the whole store.
  • You can create your own filters and customizable insights, saving you time and helping you gain quick access to the KPIs that are important to your specific business goals.
  • With Seller Snap’s open API, you can programmatically view and update all editable fields of your listings, for example, costs, repricing settings, and much more.
  • 24/7 phone and email support.

Recommended read: How Does Amazon Inspire Work?


Monthly Subscriptions: Accelerator Program- $250

Standard Plan – $500

Premium Plan – $800



Aura is like the Apple of the repricing world. However, the difference between the two is that Aura offers advanced functionality and ease of use without charging an arm or leg. 

Moreover, this Amazon repricer also comes with cool features like instant algorithmic repricing and Workflow, which allow you to set automated rules to manage your listings. 

However, we appreciate Aura for more than just its technology. We love their customer support. You can quickly get your queries resolved via their chat and community and exhaustive library of help articles. 

Free Trial Period: 14 days


  • Instant repricing
  • Automatically set your Minimum and Maximum prices
  • Import costs directly from Inventory 
  • Automated Workflows to effectively manage your listings
  • Bulk import/export 
  • Reprice differently depending on the type of offer in the Buy Box
  • Automatically handle suppressed Buy Boxes


Essential: $97 Per Month

Plus: $197 Per Month

Pro: $397 Per Month

Best amazon pricing software list


Increase your sales with best AI repricer
Increase your sales with best amazon repricer

When it comes to features, Informed is the absolute best of the best. So much so that they claim to help brands increase their buy box ownership by close to 60%.

For example, it cleverly sets the price so you win the buy box and then raises the price to maximize profits without losing your position in the buy box. 

Additionally, it also resets the prices when sales are low to ensure that the overall profit margin isn’t affected. 

Most importantly, you don’t have to set a maximum or minimum price as this tool auto-calculates the maximum price. You can also set the exact amount of control you’d like to have. 

Free Trial: 14 days


  • Informed determines the perfect price threshold to prevent deactivation, making it one of the best repricer for Amazon.
  • Informed has partnered with other ecommerce companies and you can seamlessly integrate tools such as inventory lab and web scraper app to sync information like item costs and Minimum/Maximum prices to your Informed Repricer account.
  • This tool comes with an intuitive backend and a detailed analytics and reporting section to track essential metrics. 
  • It also comes with amazing features where it will increase the price when there is no competition.


$149/month up to $25k monthly revenue

$249/month up to $100k monthly revenue

$499/month up to $500k monthly revenue

$899/month up to $1m monthly revenue



Feedvisor is a close contender to Informed in terms of AI capabilities. Its advanced algorithms help sellers effectively win the buy box without suffering a loss. Its algorithm is all about optimal pricing. 

It decides the optimal pricing based on competition, seller performance, and other key factors. One of Feedvisor’s key features is that it allows unlimited stores, ASINs, and users. 

Free Trial: 14 days


  • Feedvisor automatically determines the competition for your ASIN and changes the price accordingly.
  • It comes with real-time dynamic repricing capabilities
  • It automatically avoids Minimum and Maximum price errors


Starts at $100/Month for the essentials plan.

Sellery (SellerEngine)

Sellery (seller engine)
Sellery (Seller Engine)

SellerEngine’s Sellery Repricer is one of the more efficient repricers on this list. 

With Sellery you don’t have to worry about batch prices uploaded every 10-15 minutes. It will change the product price as soon as the competition’s price changes. 

Sellery makes sure you never lose out on any sale. It takes into account the cost of goods and all associated fees when changing prices. 

Free Trial: 14 days


  • Sellery is a real-time Amazon repricing software
  • It comes loaded with fully customizable strategies
  • Effectively helps users win the Buy Box
  • You can access various private-label solutions
  • Can expect support from Amazon experts


1% of your gross monthly sales, with a minimum charge of $50/month and a maximum of $2000/month

How to choose the right Amazon repricing tool?

Choosing the best Amazon Repricer for your business is dependent on several factors. Here are some of the most important things to consider when choosing an Amazon repricer:

Manual Repricing

The manual repricing strategy is pretty straightforward and you don’t need to use a repricing tool. All you need to do is head to Amazon Seller Central and change the product price of the listing. While this gives you more “control” and “visibility”, it is highly inefficient as it is extremely time-consuming. 

However, we do recommend you start with manual repricing as it helps you understand the process much better. Additionally, you should test out manual repricing on a few SKUs that are not your best sellers. 

If it’s a situation where you’re handling multiple SKUs, then we recommend you theoretically understand how manual repricing works and implement an automated repricing strategy. Ultimately, manual repricing best works for small sellers with limited budgets and inventories. 

Rule-Based Repricing 

Rule-based repricing, on the other hand, changes your product prices based on the rules set by you. Of course, this requires a specific third-party tool that can sync to your Seller Central account. 

The specific rules will depend on your objectives. For example, you could set a minimum price or a maximum ceiling price or you could also set a rule stating that the price should always beat the competition by $0.10. You can also set rules to undercut the Buy Box price or target the lowest FBA price, just to name a few.

This kind of tool is extremely dynamic as it changes the prices as soon as the competition changes it. When used effectively, you can be in the lowermost 10% of all Amazon sellers in terms of price. 

However, you need to take care to spend some time thinking through the rules you set and ensure they don’t conflict with each other. If you’re not careful, you could minimize your profit margins drastically. 

Moreover, most sellers end up using rule-based repricing to get higher customer ratings. Unfortunately, this short-sighted approach can lead to terrible price wars that can drastically reduce your profits. 

Unfortunately, you’d find it hard-pressed to find repricing tools that only offer rule-based capabilities. Currently, automated repricing tools are dominating the market. Of course, this doesn’t mean that rule-based repricers are obsolete. They have simply just become a secondary feature of the majority of the automated repricing tools. 

Automated/Algorithmic Repricing 

Automated Repricing uses algorithms to set the best prices. Automated repricing is also done with a tool. Of course, automated repricers are extremely different from rule-based repricers. 

These tools make use of algorithms to evaluate a multitude of metrics and market conditions such as current buy box price, competitor prices, promotions, and any other key metrics before setting the perfect price that will help you win the buy box. 

The more advanced automated repricing tools also make sure to set the price after understanding your profit margins and selling price. Ultimately, it’s the best method to ensure a profitable business. 

Not only does it take very little time to set up, but it also is your best bet when selling multiple products. However, you will end up paying more in upfront costs for the precise and profit-amplifying results. 

So, if you want to achieve your business goals quickly, this tool is your best bet. While it may not be useful for small businesses, it is perfect for mid to large Amazon Sellers. 

The benefits of using a repricer for your Amazon FBA business

It’s important to note that as you scale your Amazon Business. An Amazon Repricer becomes essential especially when you’re selling multiple SKUs and products. 

Of course, this also means that it’s unnecessary to invest in an Amazon repricer if you’re selling only a few products. You can simply change the prices from Seller Central. 

However, if you are selling several products, then here are some critical benefits that may convince you to invest in a repricing tool ASAP:

Quick and easy way to adjust prices.

To effectively update prices, you need to react quickly to the competition. For example, in a situation where you have the buy box, you need to drop the price as soon as the competition 

Fortunately, repricing tools are automated solutions that can quickly change the prices without you having to manually do anything from Seller Central. Specifically, these tools constantly monitor the competitor’s prices and change your product price as soon as they update their product price, drastically reducing the competition’s advantage.

Helps you focus on other aspects of the business

Running an Amazon business is extremely time-consuming. After all, you need to focus on marketing, listing optimization, sourcing/managing inventory, running PPC ads, and much more. 

Therefore, using an automated tool to update your product prices can let you focus on the other critical components of your business.

Keep track of your competitors’ prices.

This is a more straightforward use of these repricing tools. You can not only keep track of your competitor’s pricing but more importantly you can understand the pricing trends of your competitor, allowing you to come up with highly effective pricing strategies.

Helps you win the Buy Box

Price is the most important factor when it comes to winning the buy box. A repricing tool not only helps you win the buy box but also makes sure that the competitor doesn’t one-up you. 

While it can benefit all sellers, it can be extremely beneficial to those engaged in retail arbitration or wholesale as using this tool can improve your profit margin. It’s important to note that these tools can let you fix a minimum and a maximum profit margin you want to make per sale. So, when used correctly, you won’t run into a loss. 

Reprice on multiple Amazon marketplaces

It can get significantly challenging to manually change prices when you’re selling on multiple different marketplaces. It’s downright impossible unless you’re planning on sitting behind Seller Central for days. A repricer can save a ton of time and energy when you’re looking to expand geographically. 

Final Thoughts 

Amazon Repricers are one of those great investments that continue to pay dividends, and then some. Of course, you need to find the right one to suit your specific business needs. 

Not every repricer will be appropriate. For example, if you have very few listings and make less than $10,000 a month, you’re better off not using a repricer. However, if you have multiple SKUs and make millions in annual revenue, you will need an effective repricer as not using one could mean that you’re losing out of a sizable chunk of change. 

We recommend you go through our entire post of Amazon Repricers to effectively zero in on a relevant tool.

Although SellerApp doesn’t have a repricer, we could always take a look at your listings to ensure they are perfectly optimized. Reach out to one of our Amazon Experts.

Read Next: Best Amazon Inventory Management Tools for Your eCommerce Business

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10 Comments on “Stay Ahead of the Competition With These 8 Amazon Repricers”

  1. Alex Gonzalez
    January 17, 2024

    Amazing post, I am truly motivated by you for blogging. Thanks so much for these recent updates.

    1. Clare Thomas
      September 18, 2024

      Thanks for your feedback.

  2. Amanda Jackson
    February 21, 2024

    Enjoyed reading the article above, Today’s blog is a must-share. Thank you!

    1. Clare Thomas
      September 18, 2024

      Thank you for your valuable feedback.

  3. Jamie Nelson
    April 4, 2024

    Those recent updates have been very informative; thanks!

    1. Clare Thomas
      September 18, 2024

      You are welcome!

  4. Amelia Jo
    July 30, 2024

    Very detailed article.

    1. Clare Thomas
      September 18, 2024


  5. Grace Olivia
    August 3, 2024

    This is very informative.

    1. Clare Thomas
      September 18, 2024

      Glad you like the article.

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