Tracking Metrics
For each individual keyword that is tracked, you can see three metrics
- Indexed
- Page Rank
- Search Position
Indexed – Indicates whether Amazon has indexed keywords for your listing. In other words, it indicates if Amazon has mapped the keywords used in your listing with your product page so that whenever an Amazon buyer searches the keyword, Amazon displays your product in its search results.
Page Rank – The page in Amazon search results where the product gets displayed for a keyword.
Search Position – The position in the page where the product gets displayed. You can also see the increase or decrease in the search position from the time of last update.

How to use this information?
- You can analyse the keywords that are working towards bringing you sales. Understand keywords that are not working in your favor.
- Find new keywords from the Keyword Explorer or the Product Keyword that will bring you better search visibility.
If you are tracking a competitor product, find keywords that are working the best for them. Try including the most relevant keywords in your product listing.