How Can Amazon Seller Tools Make A Huge Difference To Your Sales?

Online shops, Internet commerce, e-shop, Internet business are just some of the terminologies used to describe eCommerce or online selling. Even before the COVID pandemic started, the eCommerce industry has begun to grow over the years steadily. And with the restrictions brought by the pandemic, most traders are taking advantage of eCommerce.

Some of the popular eCommerce sites are eBay, Walmart, Etsy, Home Depot, and Target, among others. But the leading e-retailer in the US is Amazon with more than 280 billion USD of net sales in 2019 and 75 billion during the first quarter of this year. At present, Amazon has 2.5 million sellers, and 25,000 of these sellers have attained more than one million in sales.

With the number of active sellers in Amazon, you might imagine that it would be difficult to start an eCommerce business with this platform. It may be so, but Amazon marketers can choose from several Amazon seller tools to help in managing their online shops. These tools provide automation, research, management of products, financial tools, and some even provide a study of competitors. 

To further highlight how Amazon seller tools can be of help, here are some reasons how these can make a significant impact on your sales.

Product Research

The initial step for any seller is to determine what product to sell. Amazon Product research tools are excellent for combing through trends and popular products. Choosing the right item to sell or add to your list of products in your store will surely provide a step in improving your sales. These available tools automate the process of generating a product niche that a seller can explore. Detailed information is also provided, such as the number of sellers currently competing in the category and sales data.

Keyword Research

Once you have a list of products to sell, the next step is describing it. The best way to accomplish this is by using tools that identify keywords and how they are being used in the platform. Having the keywords in your product description is essential since it has been noted in a 2018 report that consumers perform 54% of product searches in Amazon than in Google. With this figure, it just shows that having the right words in your page will most likely land you visitors and customers.

Product and Inventory Management

Now that you have your products in place and have provided a compelling description, the next step is managing your product listing and tracking your inventory. Note that a user-friendly product listing will gain more user traffic, and the proper management of your catalog will lead to consumer satisfaction as well as more sales.

In listing your products, one must consider the consumers and how they view your product. Thanks to various inventory listing tools, a detailed analysis of your listing can be rendered. Feedback may include the relevance of the product list, the appropriate length of the product title, suitable product image, and the quality of your listing as compared to available records in the same category. 

As for inventory management, a plethora of tools are available. You can choose a simple tool that can manage your available stocks and alert you when replenishment is required. Or you may even get a tool that can provide information on how your competitors are fairing.

Order and Feedback Management 

When consumers start to order, you must have an efficient program to accomplish the requests, which also includes shipping of the items and notifying the customer. When orders are accomplished on time, and updates are provided to customers, your shop will surely receive positive comments. And with more positive reviews and higher ratings comes the appeal to more customers. Although higher user ratings are not an accurate evaluation of product quality, customers are more likely to purchase from a seller with excellent reviews as more are becoming wary of online transactions.

A prominent feature provided by Amazon for order management is the FBA (fulfilled by Amazon). Signing up with this feature will free you from the tasks of managing the request and in shipping, as Amazon will handle everything. Yet if you choose otherwise, there are still numerous tools to choose from. 

Pricing, Accounting & Expenses

Yet another critical tool to boost your sales are those that deal with your finances. Several pricing tools are available that can perform split tests to assist in identifying the ideal price of your products. Moreover, you need tools to help you determine if you are truly profiting from your business. Sales are not enough as you must also consider the expenses and the charges. 

These are just some of the advantages that Amazon seller tools would accomplish to your sales. However, the success of your eCommerce still relies on how you utilize these tools. Choosing the right tool, maximizing it, and using the data wisely will surely guarantee to bring you more sales.