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Reviews and Ratings

How to deal with Negative Reviews on Amazon

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To resolve a problem, it’s imperative to first understand the cause of the problem. There are usually strong driving reasons either positive or negative for a user to be writing a review. If you try recalling it yourself, probably you wrote a review was because the service or the product was perfect, or awful. We’ll look into possible ways for dealing with negative reviews on Amazon for your product.

Not all negative reviews are bad/harmful. While negative reviews can be badly venting on the seller, it makes the positive reviews more credible and not fake. E.g., All the 400 reviews for an Amazon product are 5 stars, and they only praise the product. Doesn’t it look fishy? For me, I’d rather consider that you got your mommy to write down all the good reviews for you. Not all reviews do blast on the seller. Instead, they do provide positive criticism and sometimes impart the best ideas for good changes.

Should a seller respond to negative reviews in comments ?

Responding to negative reviews on Amazon lets the customers see that you are concerned about the product quality and take the service seriously. It offers an opportunity to boost your credibility. But one should be cautious to not be taking on every negative comment so much so that you seem defensive.

The options a seller has to tackle negative comments are:

  1. Taking negative review in a constructive spirit and posting a comment publicly stating how it’s resolved.
  2. Reaching out to the customer and eliminating the issue. Thereby you gently stress on the fact on the elimination of the dissatisfaction. Thus, the reviewer feels that you are a Seller who has concerns for his customers. This assumption by the reviewer and future shoppers is on the basis on the basis of the corrective measure taken out by you.
  3. Report to amazon to remove the comment, only if it violates Amazon’s community policies. E.g., Usage of Foul language, Ill intentional review by a competitor Seller.

Additional read:

How does AmazonAI review summaries work?

Dilip Vamanan

Co-Founder At SellerApp  Senior IT executive with over 13 years of product development and global consulting experience in large-scale, complex systems and deep technology delivery and management.

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