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There’s no denying that Amazon is one of – if not the – most impactful company that currently exists today. With an international web of sellers, warehouses, third-party logistics clients, and support agents, Amazon has expanded across the globe to deliver products to 131 countries. 

Currently, Amazon is the most trusted brand in the US. Yet, despite the name carrying the majority of this weight, the real sales story looks slightly different. Around 60% of all sales on the Amazon platform don’t come from the giant themselves but rather from independent sellers. 

One of the main forms of advertising that Amazon sellers have access to is the Amazon marketplace. By putting their products on this marketplace, any one of the millions of customers that Amazon has can see their listing, buy it, and get it delivered – all with essentially 0 hassle from the seller.

However, what sets top sellers apart from those without much activity on their products is other forms of marketing. In particular, email marketing – as a leading form of client connection – is a secret weapon for Amazon sellers.

In this article, we’ll explore how Amazon sellers can make more profit, enhance their products, and build better customer relationships with email marketing.

Let’s dive right in.

Why Do Marketing Teams Use Email Marketing?

Every single person that actively uses the internet has an email account. Unlike a specific social media platform, that means that marketing teams that target email accounts have a potential market of nearly 100% of their customers. 

Sending out emails creates a direct link between a business and its audience, helping build rapport, keep people in the loop, and share information. 

In recent years, marketing emails have become even more personalized to the recipient. By using a signature generator, businesses can add even more personal information to an email, enhancing its credibility and resulting in better engagement rates.

When done well, using strategies like personalization, marketing teams can achieve the following with effective email marketing:

  • Higher ROI – Email marketing is one of the cheapest forms of marketing channel to manage. By investing in this channel, businesses can generate more profit for their business without breaking the bank. Email marketing is much more cost-effective than the majority of other channels.
  • Improve Brand Awareness – When you regularly email your customers, you’re able to show them that you are actively working on your business and expanding. Even subcionsiouly, if your customers see your name in their inbox once a week, it will help enhance your brand awareness.
  • Generate Traffic – Marketing teams can use emails to generate traffic to their website. By linking new products or blog posts in their emails, they can entice customers to click on their links, improving traffic for a tiny cost margin.
  • Enhance Customer Relationships – When you regularly contact your customers, especially with personalized emails, you show them you care. Marketing teams can leverage email to build stronger customer relationships and enhance customer loyalty. 

With all of these benefits, it’s only natural that Amazon sellers that leverage this marketing channel achieve more sales and higher revenues.

How Can Amazon Sellers Use Email Marketing?

Amazon sellers are in a slightly distinct position from the vast majority of businesses. As you don’t have a site to share, your presence on Amazon will be less about generating traffic to Amazon and more about showing off your products and enhancing your relationships.

By collecting your buyer’s email addresses (with permission), Amazon sellers can use email marketing in numerous ways:

Relationship Building

After you’ve begun the process of building up your list of customer emails, you’re able to leverage it to fortify your relationship with each customer. Whether someone has never shopped with you before or you’re talking to your top buyer, emails are a direct form of communication that lets you share information with your audience.

For new customers, you can share a product that you’ve selected for them. By including a personalized discount coupon, you show them that you’re excited for them to try out your product.

Alternatively, you can show your veteran customers your appreciation by giving them discounts or even just sending a thank you email. As you’re directly contacting a customer, you can start to build your relationship and prove that you’re a company worth investing in.

Product Launches

When a product launches on Amazon, the first few days are vital if you want to continue to rank well for a product search term. Amazon sellers can leverage email to make sure these first few days count.

By sending out an audience-wide update that showcases your new product and explains why your customers will love it, you help the product hit the ground running.

The moment you have something new to share, your customers will be the first to know. Not only does this help get those first few sales in, but it ensures that your product gathers steam as quickly as possible.

You can use A/B testing to create product launches via email that your audience loves. 


Another effective way of leveraging your mailing list is to ask for feedback on your products from your customers. Your customers are your biggest asset when it comes to research and development, as you’re asking for opinions directly from the people who buy your products.

You can use survey tools to rapidly gather data on your products, asking specific questions about their features, customizations, prices, and anything else that’s important to them. By turning this data into actionable insights, you can then create a personalized map to improve your products.

By routinely asking for feedback, acting upon it, thanking your customers, then asking for more feedback, you create a world-class feedback loop. Over time, this will help enhance your Amazon products, improving your reviews and generating even more profit for your business.

Final Thoughts

There’s a reason that email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing across all of the modern strategies. With low investment, this medium can generate new traffic, strengthen customer relationships, and help new products to hit the ground running.

When Amazon sellers leverage the power of email marketing, they’re able to set themselves apart from other vendors on the platform. Instead of being just another seller in the crowd of thousands, effective email marketing can help dramatically increase the success that an Amazon vendor has on the platform.

With the effective use of email marketing, Amazon sellers can make this year their best one yet. 

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