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Amazon Selling Tips

Key Factors to Keep in Mind When Selecting the Amazon Seller’s Name

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Choosing an appropriate Amazon seller name is a crucial business decision because you want your customers to positively associate with your brand. 

There are more than 1.9 million active sellers on Amazon as of 2021, which is increasing daily. 

By last year’s quarter, there was an increase of over 280,000 sign-ups.

So with all these numbers soaring, do you think the Amazon seller’s name matters? Or is it just the product that matters?

The answer is both are important!

Your Amazon seller name will be seen by millions of potential customers and can help your business stand out from the competition. 

This article will discuss the key points to consider when selecting your Amazon seller name. 

With the right name, you can ensure your Amazon seller account is set up for success.

Quick Guide

  1. Try matching your name
  2. Understand the context
  3. Things to keep in mind while determining your Amazon seller name
  4. How to change your Amazon seller name
  5. Impact of changing your Amazon seller name
  6. Conclusion

Try matching name 

When choosing an Amazon seller name, it’s important to consider the overall branding of your business. Ensure the name is consistent across all aspects of your business, from the brand name to the seller name.

This can create a cohesive identity and make it easier for customers to find and remember your business. Moreover, consider using the same name for your website, social media accounts, and other marketing materials. This ensures your listing and marketing off-site efforts go hand-in-hand. 

Choosing your Amazon Seller name can be an important decision. Your seller name will represent your business on the platform and will be seen by potential customers. The name is linked to your account and cannot be changed, so you want to choose something that will be recognizable and will make a good impression. 

If you’re struggling to come up with a good Amazon seller name, you can use a random name generator to help you get started. There are many different random name generators available online, and you can usually find one that allows you to filter results by keyword or industry.

Understand the context 

When creating a new seller name, all that matters is the context. Your Amazon seller name will be the first impression that a potential customer will have on you. So it is crucial to pick a name that accurately reflects the type of seller you are.

First, consider what type of seller you are. Are you selling a handmade product or are you a third-party seller who buys products from other manufacturers? It can also depend on your business model. Depending on that, select your Amazon business name accordingly. 

For example, if you are selling a herbal product, your seller’s name can include the word ‘herbal’ in it. This can help your customers to find your products.

Skip to this part, if you want to know how to change your Amazon seller name

Things to keep in mind while determining your Amazon seller name:

Make it memorable

Choosing an Amazon Seller name is a critical step in launching a successful business on the world’s largest marketplace. It is important to select a name that is memorable. Your customers should be able to remember your Amazon seller name without any effort, even if they have purchased from you or not. 

Your Amazon seller name should be short and unique. Find a name that will stand apart from other competitors and will catch the eyes of the customer. This ensures the name stays notable to any customer who has seen it or has heard it. 

Don’t copy from others

When selecting a seller name, make sure you don’t copy it from other brands. This can confuse and damage the reputation of the business. 

You might think you can copy from an already well-established brand since they’re successful and prominent. Well, understand that it can cause you more trouble.

Copying another brand name can end your chances for a registered trademark. These renowned brands take copyrights very seriously. So once they find that you are getting a profit because of their brand name, they can shut you down. 

Don’t be specific 

Don’t be too specific because it may limit the type of product and service you can offer in the future. The Amazon seller name should be suitable for any type of product or category. If you have the plan to expand your business in the future, then use a suitable name. 

Consider you started your business with the brand name ‘Bath and Beauty Co,’ and later, you want to sell shoes internationally. This type of seller name can bring a lack of confidence in the customers to purchase. Besides, it can be hard for your brand products to rank in the shoe category as the name suggests a different category. 

On the other hand, the customers may also think it is a fake brand or product.

So you need to keep your brand name suitable for any niche because you won’t know what would work and what wouldn’t.

Recommended read: Amazon Power Seller Hacks to Maximize Profits.

Keep a keyword

If you are planning to sell one product, then keeping a keyword in your Seller name would be beneficial. These keywords can help your customers to find your product. 

For example, if you are planning to sell books, then you can include ‘books’ or ‘publications’ in your seller’s name. This can help the customers to find your product when they search for book-related items.

Use positive names

Make sure that the words you use in your seller name are positive. A positive name can reinforce good customer relationships evoking trust. Furthermore, it can help your business to build brand recognition.

If you use a negative name, then it may bring a negative impact on the customer who encounters your brand. This can set a negative tone, even without any initial interactions. 

Use professional names

Using professional names is essential because, down the lane, when your brand recognition grows, it can further attract more customers.

Alternatively, using an unprofessional name can make your brand appear dishonorable, amateurish, etc. This can drive the customers away.

No special characters

Finally, it is important not to add any special characters to your Amazon seller name. The use of special characters can make it difficult for customers to remember and can make your product harder to find. Additionally, avoid using jargon, slang, or abbreviations as it would be difficult for customers to understand.

How to change your Amazon seller name

If you want to change your existing Amazon seller name. Here’s how:

  1. Log into your Amazon Seller Central
  2. Go to the Settings option and select Account Info from the drop-down menu.

3. On the Account Info page, you will find Your Seller Profile.

4. Select edit, then enter your new seller name in the field provided.

5. Click save to confirm the changes.

Note: If you are selling on multiple Amazon marketplaces, you need to individually change the Amazon seller name for each country or marketplace you’re selling in.

What is the impact of changing your Amazon seller name

Changing your Amazon seller name can have a great impact on your business, both positively and negatively. 

The positive side is, changing your Amazon seller name can be a way to increase your visibility. Changing your name to something that reflects your brand, will make it easier for your customers to find and remember your name.

For example, if you sell organic food products, you could change your Amazon Seller name to something like “Organic foods.” 

The negative side is, changing your Amazon Seller name could potentially confuse or turn away existing customers. This is especially true if you’ve already built up a loyal base of customers. Your customers may not recognize the new name and may be hesitant to purchase from you again.


To summarize, your Amazon seller name should be unique, noteworthy, and relevant to your brand. Additionally, you should make sure that the name you choose is not already being used by another Amazon seller. Finally, consider adding relevant keywords to your name to appear higher in search results. 

With a little bit of thought and planning, you can create an Amazon seller name that will help your business stand out from the competition.

SellerApp is a leading e-commerce analytics platform helping thousands of Amazon sellers scale their keyword research, listing optimization, and advertising efforts and get streamlined insights to beat the competition. 

Additional read:

How do I Start Selling on Amazon in 2023?

Arishekar N

Arishekar N, Sr. Director of Marketing & Growth at SellerApp, is a specialist in digital marketing, in addition to website keyword optimization for search engines. His areas of expertise include enhancing the organic & paid ranking of webpages on search engines with innovative SEO & SEM strategies and online promotions. Ask anything or share your feedback Email: arishekar.n@sellerapp.com

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  • I found the article on Amazon seller names by Sellerapp to be incredibly informative and helpful. It provided clear and detailed information on the importance of choosing a unique and memorable name for my Amazon business.

  • The tips and strategies outlined in the article helped me to come up with a name that stands out among the competition and effectively represents my brand. I highly recommend this article to anyone looking to start or improve their Amazon business."

  • I've been an amazon seller for a while now, but I never really thought about the impact of my seller name on my sales. after reading the article on amazon seller names by SellerApp, I realized how important it is to have a unique and memorable name. The article provided practical tips and examples that helped me to come up with a new name for my business that I believe will help me to increase my sales. I highly recommend this article to anyone who wants to improve their amazon business.

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