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How to Grow Your Business with Amazon PPC Automation

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Is Amazon PPC automation the next big thing in the marketplace? Are you taking enough advantage of it? Let’s find out! 

As competition on Amazon grows every passing year, it is getting harder for sellers to stand out in the marketplace. Sponsored ads are the fastest way to achieve it.  

When strategically used, Amazon-sponsored ads drive traffic and customers almost immediately. They also help you achieve your long-term and short-term business goals faster. With the growing popularity of Sponsored ads, automation has become a necessity if you want to capitalize on the competition and grow your market share. Let’s see how you can use it to scale your business on Amazon.

Why you need automation

Managing the performance of PPC campaigns is one of the most important yet time-consuming activities for sellers. Optimizing your PPC campaigns requires you to monitor your bids, keywords, and campaigns regularly. You need to optimize your bids and ensure that your ads stay profitable and in line with your campaign goals. This can be daunting if you have a huge product portfolio. 

With the complexity of advertising rising, advertisers now look for Amazon PPC optimization tools that offer automation capabilities to help them achieve their goals faster than ever before. Thanks to Amazon PPC automation, you will be able to save hours of manual effort and direct your efforts into other areas of your business like product research, inventory management, and other marketing activities. 

Here are a few benefits of automating your PPC campaigns.

Beat the competition

This is not a direct benefit of automation but a benefit of advertising as a whole. We all know that Amazon is a search engine but not a retail store. Most people start their product search on Amazon and the population turning to Amazon for product search is only growing. 

It’s because of the buyers’ strong purchasing intent that marketers are moving their ad dollars from Google to Amazon. This is true not only for the FBA sellers but also for major brands and advertising agencies. 

So as a seller, you need to take advantage of every resource available out there. This includes amazon PPC automation tools, Amazon advertising beta options, and more. 

Optimize relevant PPC metrics

Most sellers use ACoS to determine the performance of their campaigns. However, the ACoS value depends on the campaign goals that you want to accomplish. Your campaign goals can be launching a new product, increasing sales for a product or portfolio, targeting competitors’ market share, etc. To achieve your required goal, you need to target the relevant PPC metrics. With rule-based PPC optimization, you set certain metrics and allow the algorithms to optimize your PPC tasks. 

Related Post : How To Optimize Amazon PPC For Better Sales & High Visibility

Save Time

Running an Amazon PPC campaign isn’t a one-time job. If you are running automatic and manual campaigns for multiple products, the process can be quite time-consuming. You have to optimize your pricing strategy, run campaign and search terms reports, determine negative keywords, and see if all these tasks align with your top-level strategies. 

Even if you’re a PPC expert, you’re probably spending too much time on all these tasks. Your time could be better spent elsewhere improving your customer service, product portfolio, and other significant areas that you may be missing out on. 


When you run multiple campaigns without investing a significant time period, you will be able to scale your PPC campaigns with less effort and more flexibility. 

Built-in features

Most of the Amazon PPC tools available in the market allow you to automate your campaign management process and offer data-driven insights and features to build, optimize, and scale your advertising campaigns. 

Rule-based Automation vs Machine learning-driven Automation: What’s the difference?

So you decided to automate your campaigns, now how do you know what type of automation is the best for your advertising needs. 

The table below helps you understand the major differences between ML-driven and rule-based automation. 

Automation featuresML-driven automationRule-based automation
Goal settingPossiblePossible
Advertising controlLowHigh
ROI performanceUses historical data to
achieve optimum results
Advertisers need to give manual inputs
Ease of useComplete hands-off
automation for sellers
Offers good control over campaigns,
but sellers should have minimum
knowledge of campaign management.

What can you automate?

Within advertising, you can automate:

  • Bids
  • Keywords
  • Campaigns

How to get started with automation

Every business has its own unique goals, it’s important to follow certain steps before automating your PPC campaigns. 

Determine goals: Having clear goals to formulate the right plan is essential for advertising. So, determine what you want to achieve by running campaigns. It can be increasing visibility, boosting organic rankings, growing market share, generating brand awareness, liquidating the inventory, and more. 

Choosing the right way: Next, you will want to decide whether you can achieve your goals by manual optimization or automation. It would help if you also decided whether you want to automate using defined rules or machine learning algorithms. 

Set up the campaign: Create your campaigns with a specific ad budget and make sure you are aware of the metrics you want to monitor. This will help you determine what’s working and what doesn’t so you can refine your PPC strategies

Automate the system: You can use SellerApp’s predefined rule sets to automate your rules. 

Now, you will be provided with two options – ‘Create from blank’ or ‘Choose from template’.

Additional Read: Turbocharge Your Business with Amazon FBA Automation.

Create from blank

The ‘Create from blank’ option lets you create new rules for your campaigns and set multiple conditions based on which you want the campaign rules to run. You can name your rule, choose between manual and automatic targeting options, and then set the conditions for your custom rule.

There are 11 conditions to choose from so that when a campaign meets the set conditions or criteria, the rule will start running to ensure the campaign takes the defined action:

  • Bid
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Orders
  • Spend
  • Sales
  • ACoS
  • RoAS
  • Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Conversion Rate (CVR)
  • CPC (Cost Per Click)

You can then choose to add more conditions and set what action you want the campaigns to take if those conditions are met like Increasing or Decreasing Bids or Pause. You can also decide between advanced Keyword and ASIN target options along with choosing Exclusions for search terms for that rule. The final step in creating custom automation rules is to set the Frequency which means you get to choose and select which days of the week you want the custom rule to run. SellerApp automation also allows you to do Amazon dayparting for your ads to run them at the most optimal times of the day.

Choose from template

This automation option lets you choose from predefined rule templates – ROI Optimizer, Keyword Harvester, and Money Saver.

  • You can choose Money Saver if you want to implement a negative keyword strategy. 
  • Choose ROI Optimizer if you want to achieve maximum profits for your target ACoS
  • Select Keyword Harvester if your goal is to grow your visibility, and increase impressions and conversions. SellerApp’s algorithms will optimize your bids to reach more potential customers. 
  • Once you pick the template and enter the metrics required, SellerApp’s experts will review them and the algorithms are up and running. 

Test the campaigns: Though automation will take away your workload, it is good to review your campaigns regularly like once a week or every fortnight. 

Analyze and revise: As you run your campaigns, you should monitor how they are performing. Track the metrics and review them thoroughly. Then adjust your strategy based on the insights you get. 

In order for Amazon PPC automation to work, you need to get the basics right. This helps you manage ad campaigns effectively and achieve the results you desire at a reasonable ad budget.

Alternatively, you can look at data-driven platforms like SellerApp, tailored for brands on Amazon, which has optimized ad spend worth more than $420 million from accounts across the globe. The platform uses robust technology to ensure you’re running optimized PPC campaigns right away.

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Arishekar N

Arishekar N, Sr. Director of Marketing & Growth at SellerApp, is a specialist in digital marketing, in addition to website keyword optimization for search engines. His areas of expertise include enhancing the organic & paid ranking of webpages on search engines with innovative SEO & SEM strategies and online promotions. Ask anything or share your feedback Email: arishekar.n@sellerapp.com

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